Sunday, February 17, 2008

when it rains it pours...

it' been a while, sorry about that...

i thought that it was probably time to fill you in on a little bit of my life. so last monday or so my external hard drive decided that it was tired of life... so it died, along with all my pictures, music, papers, poems, and just about everything else. So i was freaking out, wondering how i was going to pay to get that fixed. Then, on wednesday my cat got into my room and knocked over a HUGE glass of water all over my computer, it fried. No longer working, not turning on at all. So i took a deep breath and looked up my credit card minimum. I am now a penniless, proud owner of a mac. But this also means that I still have to find a way to fix my hard drive. Although my cousin told me that it should be pretty easy to pull of all the information from both my external and my fried computer. Definitely one answer to my prayers. So I guess i'll be trying to pick up extra shifts at the hospital i order to pay for this expensive little mistake. I do believe that I am going to find someone else to love my kitten as well. he's a good cat, just a little to rambunctious for my little apartment. Anyone want a cat? He's fixed. Anyways.

I'm also staring to get sick... i think. I'm fighting that one for all i'm worth though. Lots of water, good sleep, no sugar, airborne, and pure spunk. Hopefully it'll work.  

You know... i generally try to eat healthy, but i hate it when you get in those really snacky moods and nothing will quite cut it like that wonderfully caloric bag of doritos that is staring you in the face! I'm really trying to find some good snaky food that tastes good as well and seems to quench my "fat tooth" taste buds. Anyone have ideas? I'm always up for trying something new.

Well I'm off to keep studying for my Acute mid-term. Wish me luck.

love to you all

Friday, February 8, 2008

how to be happy

Happiness comes from having a humble attitude. If you feel your need of God and trust in him, you have the kingdom of God within you.

Happiness comes from grieving when you sin. Confess your sins and you will be forgiven and peace will spring up in your soul.

Happiness comes from being submissive. When you acknowledge God as the source of life and abilities, you will feel heaven's joy!

Happiness comes from being copassionate and forgiving. People will remmeber your loving kindness and return the same to you.

Happiness comes to those with pure hearts and motives. Such people will one day have the privilege of seeing God and talking to him face to face.

Happiness comes from being a peacemaker, for such are God's children.

Happiness even comes from being treated badly for doing what's right. Just remember that no matter what happens, your place in heaven is secure.

Strangely enough, you'll find yourself blessed even when people insult you, persecute you, and lie about you because you have accepted me. When this happnes, be glad, because it shows that your name is written in heaven and that your reward will be waiting for you there.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


so dance classes seem to be my new method to working out... zumba, a lot of hips and shakin' it, and i just have to say, if i look that damn good when i'm the age of the instructor God will have been very nice to me. hopefully all that booty shaking and hip rolling is going to be nice to my back... we'll see!

xo i had a very nice clinical today. my nurse really pushed me. I was uncomfortable, out of my comfort zone, and freaking out. it was one of the best days yet! I really was put in a situation where i was forced to learn quickly or... well there was no or... it was just learn quickly 'cause if you don't you're screwed. it was awesome!

i had to talk on the phone with a doctor today, and when she realized that I was the student nurse she wasn't too happy, but i got everything done that she asked, and i did it well :) I'm really enjoying myself. wish me luck tomorrow.

that and luck for zumba next week is a must b/c tonight i was even more lost than my first night in hip-hop. but the zumba instructor said that you burn 700 calories per hour in the class on average... that is pretty freaking awesome!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

praying for patience

someday, some extremely hot guy is going to think i'm amazing. someday his world will ache to make me happy. someday.

Friday, February 1, 2008

i'll take the sugar daddy please...

may i just say...

eye candy is awesome.

enough said