Monday, January 7, 2008

changes... and not

today was the first day back to classes. the grind is somewhat similar, but different. I have finally escaped the teacher with no organizational skills and it looks as if my new professors will be phenomenal in their chosen professions. I'm in the care of the Acutely Ill Adult, Nursing Research, and a topics class talking about homeopathic remedies. It should be rather interesting although I'm fairly disappointed that my grandiose idea of taking spanish this quarter didn't pan out.

My best friends have taken off to continue (or start) their adventures in different countries. Gennaya is in Mexico and i'm praying soon starts to love it as much as Argentina, and my beloved "sister" and now cousin Summer, and her new husband Michael have moved to Thailand for a year. I can't wait to hear about all their adventures.

My personal life has been on somewhat of a rollarcoaster, but to simply put it... listen to Relient K's song let it all out...

we're so scared to find out, scared we're going to lose it, but knowing all along it's exactly what we need... you said I know this will hurt, but if I don't break your heart than things will just get worse, if the burden seems to much to bear, remember the end will justify the pain it took to get us there...

Hope all is well with everyone else...


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