Monday, January 14, 2008

Money, suprises, and losing your balls

My poor kitten is going to undergo a procedure soon. He will no longer have some of his man parts... poor kid, he doesn't know what he's in for. have you ever looked to see how much these surgeries cost?! Holy crap, they can get really expensive!!! But the even sadder part is that if this surgery doesn't help calm him down a little we're going to have to get rid of him. He's an awesome cat, except that he is starting to tear things apart. So, keep your fingers crossed... I love my kitty!

So i got a rather interesting surprise the other night. I ended up at a house of some friends friends, and ran into an ex in a physical state that i hoped i would never find him in again. oh well, i guess we can only keep praying and hoping.

So dreams suck. When you go through changes in your life, you can slowly become used to them during the waking hours. it still sucks, it still hurts, but you're in a conscious position where you can acknowledge the thought, and then push it away. but when you dream, there is nothing you can do about it. you have no power over what you dream, how wonderful/romantic/sweet/uncomplicated the situations are.... then you wake up. not fun.

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